11:11 Angel Messages

This book can be used whenever you need guidance and empowerment. It works like conventional oracle cards, but rather than shuffling, you can choose a message from the contents page, select a random number, flip, slide or swipe (ebook) to where you feel drawn to stop!

There are 111 messages in the book, each of which have been repeated three times. This is the Power of the Divine Source of 3, giving a total of 333 messages. The chance of you receiving the same message more than once is of no coincidence. It is synchronicity! Your Angels are trying to get your attention, so now is the time to focus on the messages you receive.

This book will not just aid you on your journey but others in the collective too. 33.3% of all profits from this book will be distributed to various charities, causes and helping others on their mission to shift the collective consciousness and make a difference in the world.