Personal & Private Readings

Services Available

All Readings will be a minimum of 3 A4 pages long, which you will receive via email approximately an hour and a half after your allocated booking time. If you know what reading you would like or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

(£70.00 GBP/ $90 Dollars/81.00 Euros) 1 Hr 

For this reading, I connect to your loved one who has crossed over to the spirit realm.

All that I need is your name and the name of your chosen loved one whom you would like to connect with. I use both names to connect your energy together and I act as a bridge of love, to deliver your personal and private messages back to you, by automatically channeling their message to you.

This is a beautiful and powerful reading that is deep, insightful, and healing. This reading can provide love, comfort, guidance, wisdom, and reassurance to help heal you on your grief journey.  This can be a deep reading and can evoke a multitude of emotions, so this is something to be mindful of, before booking. I always suggest waiting a minimum of 3 months from the date your loved one has crossed over, before booking this reading. This is to protect your well-being.

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected]

(£160.00 GBP/ $200 dollars/ 184.00 Euros) 2 Hrs 

This is your time to express your thoughts and feelings, by writing a letter to your loved one in heaven. You can also ask questions and share whatever you feel called to.

A Letter back from your loved one will be channeled back and delivered to you.

This reading can be very cathartic and healing. It is a place that is safe and free from judgment. This service has been popular and many people have given feedback that these readings have helped them release their feelings, feeling lighter than before. This is ‘spiritual therapy’ at its finest!

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

(£70.00/$90 dollars/81.00 euros) 1 Hr 

For this reading, I am intuitively guided to a multitude of oracle cards chosen for you to give you general guidance or for specific areas of your life.

Please let me know in the email when booking, if you want me to focus on an aspect of your life, please refrain from medical questions.

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

Service 1: (£90.00 GBP/$114.00 Dollars/106.00 Euros) 1 Hr

Service 2: (£160.00 GBP/$202.00 Dollars/189.00 Euros) 2 Hr

Service 3: (£250.00 GBP/$316.00 Dollars/295.00 Euros) 3 Hr

Spiritual Life Coaching: Empower Your Journey, Overcome Challenges and Embrace Your True Potential

Life is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and moments of uncertainty. As a spiritual life coach, I am here to guide you through these times, helping you find clarity, purpose, and inner peace. Together, we will explore your spiritual path, uncover your strengths, and develop strategies to navigate life’s struggles with confidence and grace.

What is Spiritual Life Coaching?

Spiritual life coaching is a holistic approach that combines traditional life coaching techniques with spiritual practices. It focuses on aligning your inner self with your life’s purpose, helping you to overcome challenges and achieve personal growth. Whether you are dealing with stress, grief, relationship issues, career changes, or seeking deeper meaning in life, spiritual life coaching can provide the guidance and support you need.

How Our Sessions Work

Our sessions are designed to be as comfortable and accessible as possible, utilizing text-based communication. This format allows you to express yourself freely and receive support in real-time, just like you would text a friend. You can text, voice note, share pictures and videos.

Initial Consultation: Our journey begins with an initial consultation to understand your current situation, challenges, and goals. This helps to create a tailored coaching plan that aligns with your unique needs.

Text-Based Sessions: We will communicate through text messages, providing a convenient and immediate way for you to share your thoughts and feelings. This format allows for ongoing dialogue and continuous support. A Time will be arranged to co-ordinate different time zones and can be done via, whatsapp or messenger.

Safe Word: To ensure you feel completely safe and comfortable, we will establish a safe word. If at any point you feel overwhelmed or if the conversation is probing too deeply, you can use this word to shift the topic. This creates a secure space for you to share and release what’s needed.

Probing Questions: I will ask questions that may provoke deeper reflection and insight. This service is not about offering superficial comfort; it’s about addressing the areas that need attention and fostering genuine growth. I will challenge you and call out areas that may need addressing, always with your best interest at heart.

Ongoing Support and Accountability: Regular text sessions provide continuous support and accountability, helping you stay on track and make steady progress towards your goals. Between sessions, you will have access to resources and exercises to deepen your practice.

Utilizing Your Hour: You have the flexibility to use your hour in a way that best suits your needs. Here’s how it works:

Full Hour Session: You can choose to have one comprehensive session lasting the full hour. This allows us to delve deeply into your challenges and work extensively on your goals.

Split Session: If you prefer, you can split your hour into two 30-minute sessions. At the 30-minute mark, I will check in with you to see if you would like to continue the session now or pause and resume at another time. This option provides flexibility and allows you to process our conversation at your own pace.

Benefits of Spiritual Life Coaching

Clarity and Focus: Gain a deeper understanding of your purpose and direction in life.
Emotional Healing: Address and heal past traumas, emotional wounds, and limiting beliefs.
Stress Reduction: Learn techniques to manage stress and cultivate inner peace.
Enhanced Relationships: Improve your relationships through better communication and understanding.
Personal Empowerment: Build confidence and resilience to face life’s challenges.
Spiritual Growth: Deepen your spiritual practice and connection with your higher self.

What is Required: (These are optional, but if provided it gives me the opportunity to look into your energetic design deeper to guide you.)
-Photo of your Face
-Full name at birth
-Full name now
-Location (Town/City)
-Date of Birth
-Time of Birth (If known)
-Place of Birth (If known)
-Intentions and Goals for Session

Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to overcome obstacles and embrace your true potential? Let’s work together to create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and highest purpose.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

Service 1: (£70.00 GBP/$90 Dollars/81.00 Euros) 1 Hr

Service 2: (£130.00 GBP/$165.00/154 Euros) 2 Hrs

Service 3: (190.00 GBP/$241.00/225.00 Euros) 3 Hrs

Your Supportive Companion: A Compassionate Ear and Gentle Guidance

Life’s journey can be challenging, and sometimes, we all need a friend who understands and supports us. This Spiritual Friend and Accountability Partner Service offers you a compassionate ear and gentle guidance, blending the warmth of friendship with the insights of spiritual life coaching. This service is designed to provide you with ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability, helping you navigate your daily challenges with confidence and grace.

What is the Spiritual Friend and Accountability Partner Service?

This service is a relaxed and informal way to receive support, combining the best elements of a friendly chat with the wisdom and guidance of spiritual life coaching. Whether you’re facing specific challenges, need a boost of motivation, or simply want someone to share your thoughts with, this service is here for you.

How Our Sessions Work

Initial Consultation: We start with a brief consultation to understand your current situation and what you hope to achieve from our chats. This helps me tailor my support to your unique needs and goals.

Text-Based Communication: We’ll communicate primarily through text messages, allowing for real-time conversations just like you would have with a friend. This format provides flexibility and convenience, fitting seamlessly into your daily life. You can text, voice note, share pictures and videos.

Safe Word: To ensure our conversations are always comfortable for you, we’ll establish a safe word. If at any point you feel the need to change the topic or take a break, you can use this word to guide our interaction.

Casual and Supportive Chats: Our conversations will be informal and friendly, providing you with a safe space to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I will listen with compassion and offer gentle guidance and support as needed.

Accountability Partner: In addition to being a supportive friend, I will also serve as your accountability partner. We’ll set small, achievable goals, and I’ll check in with you regularly to encourage you and help you stay on track.

Spiritual Insights and Encouragement: While our chats are casual, I will incorporate spiritual insights and encouragement to help you navigate your journey. This might include positive affirmations, mindfulness tips, or simple spiritual practices to enhance your well-being.

Benefits of the Spiritual Friend and Accountability Partner Service

Emotional Support: Receive compassionate listening and understanding in a safe, judgment-free space.

Motivation and Encouragement: Stay motivated and focused on your goals with regular check-ins and positive reinforcement.

Stress Relief: Share your worries and challenges, easing your emotional burden through open conversation.

Personal Growth: Benefit from gentle spiritual guidance that promotes self-awareness and personal growth.

Flexible and Convenient: Enjoy the convenience of text-based communication, fitting support into your busy schedule.

How to Make the Most of Your Hour

A Time will be arranged to co-ordinate different time zones and can be done via, whatsapp or messenger. You have the flexibility to use your hour of support in a way that suits you best:

Full Hour Session: Engage in a continuous conversation for the full hour, allowing for an in-depth discussion and support.

Split Session: Divide your hour into shorter, more frequent chats. At the 30-minute mark, I will check in to see if you wish to continue or save the remaining time for another day.

What is Required: (These are optional, but if provided it gives me the opportunity to look into your energetic design deeper to guide you.)

Photo of your Face

-Full name at birth

-Full name now

-Location (Town/City)

-Date of Birth

-Time of Birth (If known)

-Place of Birth (If known)

-Intentions and Goals for Session

Start Your Journey with a Supportive Friend Today

Are you ready to embrace the support and encouragement of a spiritual friend and accountability partner? Let’s chat and work together to navigate your daily challenges and achieve

your goals.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

(£111.00 GBP/$131.00 Dollars/121.00 Euros) 2 Hr

Reclaim Your Life and Restore Your Peace

Understanding Black Magic and Its Impact

Black magic involves the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. It can manifest as negative energies, curses, hexes, or spells that aim to harm, control, or manipulate an individual. The effects of black magic can be profound, impacting one’s physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, and overall life circumstances.

Black Magic Removal Service

This specialized black magic removal service is designed to identify, neutralize, and eliminate these dark influences, helping you reclaim your life and restore your peace and happiness. I use a combination of ancient rituals, modern energy healing techniques, and spiritual guidance to cleanse your aura and protect you from future attacks.

What to Expect

Initial Assessment: I start with a comprehensive assessment to understand the nature and extent of the black magic affecting you. This may include:

-Detailed discussion about your symptoms and experiences.

-Energy reading to detect any negative influences or attachments.

Personalized Healing Plan: Based on the assessment, I will create a customized plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline the steps and techniques I will use to remove the black magic.

Energy Cleansing Rituals: I will perform powerful energy cleansing rituals to dispel the negative energies and break the spells or curses. These rituals may include:

Smudging and Sacred Herbs: Using sage, palo santo, or other sacred herbs to purify your energy field.

Protective Symbols and Talismans: Incorporating symbols and talismans to shield you from further harm.

Chanting and Incantations: Utilizing sacred chants and incantations to break the power of black magic.

Healing and Restoration: After the removal of black magic, I will focus on healing and restoring your energy. This includes:

-Energy Healing: Techniques such as Reiki, Light codes or crystal healing to repair and strengthen your aura.

-Chakra Balancing: Ensuring your chakras are aligned and functioning optimally.

-Protection and Empowerment: I will provide guidance and tools to protect yourself from future attacks and empower you to maintain your energetic well-being. This includes:

-Personal Protection Strategies: Tips and practices to safeguard your energy.

-Affirmations and Positive Energy Practices: Techniques to keep your vibrations high and attract positive energies.

Post-Session Support- Follow-Up Report

After the session, you will receive a detailed report that includes:

-Summary of Findings: Insights into the nature of the black magic and how it was affecting you.

-Healing Process: Steps taken during the session to remove the black magic and restore your energy.

-Recommendations: Personalized advice on how to continue protecting and nurturing your energy.

Self-Protection Guide

You will also receive a guide on how to protect yourself from future black magic attacks, including:

-Daily Energy Practices: Simple routines to keep your energy clear and strong.

-Protection Rituals: Easy-to-follow rituals for ongoing protection.

-Resources and Tools: Recommended tools and resources for maintaining your energetic health.

What is Required

Photo of your Face

-Full body Picture

-Full name at birth

-Full name now

-Location (Town/City)

-Date of Birth

-Intentions for Healing (Optional)

-Anything or anybody you would like to be cut from- Names required. If you have a picture of them too, that would allow me to see deeper into the energy.

Take Back Control of Your Life

Don’t let black magic control your life. This black magic removal service is here to help you break free from negative influences and restore your peace, health, and happiness.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

(£111.00 GBP/$131.00 Dollars/121.00 Euros) 2 Hr

Release Negative Energies and Reclaim Your Power

What is Cord Cutting?

Cord cutting is a powerful healing practice that focuses on severing the energetic ties, or “cords,” that bind us to negative relationships, past traumas, and draining situations.

These cords can form between people, places, or experiences, often without our conscious awareness, and can significantly impact our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Through a cord cutting session, you can free yourself from these unwanted attachments, reclaim your personal power, and restore your inner balance.

How Cord Cutting Works

During a cord cutting session which will be done distantly, I will be guided through a meditative and energy-clearing process designed to identify and sever these energetic cords. Using a combination of visualization, intention setting, and energy healing techniques, I will help you:

Identify and Understand: Recognize the energetic cords that are holding you back and understand their origins.

Sever and Release: Use powerful visualization and energy techniques to cut these cords, releasing their hold on you.

Heal and Restore: Infuse the newly freed space with positive energy, promoting healing and emotional balance.

Benefits of Cord Cutting

Emotional Freedom: Release lingering negative emotions and attachments, allowing you to move forward with a lighter heart.

Enhanced Relationships: Improve your current relationships by releasing unhealthy patterns and dynamics.

Increased Energy: Reclaim the energy that was being drained by negative cords, leading to greater vitality and motivation.

Mental Clarity: Clear your mind of past burdens, leading to improved focus and decision-making abilities.

Personal Empowerment: Regain control over your life, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-confidence.

Spiritual Growth: Deepen your spiritual connection and open yourself up to new possibilities and higher levels of consciousness.

Post-Session Report and Guide- Personalized Report

After your session, you will receive a detailed report that includes:

Summary of the Session: An overview of the cords identified and cut, including any insights or messages that came through during the process.

Energy Reading: Information on your energy state before and after the session, highlighting any significant changes or areas for continued focus.

Recommendations: Personalized tips and practices to support your continued healing and growth.

Self-Care Guide

In addition to the report, you’ll receive a comprehensive guide on how to perform cord cutting on your own. This guide will include:

Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed steps on how to create a sacred space, set your intentions, and perform the cord cutting process at home.

Visualization Techniques: Effective visualizations to help you identify and sever cords.

Affirmations and Mantras: Powerful affirmations to reinforce your intentions and support your healing.

Energy Protection Tips: Advice on how to protect your energy and maintain healthy boundaries in your daily life.

Benefits of Ongoing Practice

Continuing with regular cord cutting practices can help you maintain emotional freedom, enhance your relationships, and promote a balanced, vibrant energy state. Our guide will empower you to incorporate these techniques into your self-care routine, ensuring long-term benefits and personal empowerment.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

I am committed to supporting you on your journey to emotional liberation and personal empowerment.

What is Required

Photo of your Face

-Full body Picture

-Full name at birth

-Full name now

-Location (Town/City)

-Date of Birth

-Intentions for Healing (Optional)

-Anything or anybody you would like to be cut from- Names required. If you have a picture of them too, that would allow me to see deeper into the energy.

Book Your Cord Cutting Session Today

Take the first step towards emotional liberation and personal empowerment with our cord cutting service. Free yourself from the energetic ties that no longer serve you and embrace a future filled with clarity, positivity, and renewed energy.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

(£70.00 GBP/$90 Dollars/81.00 Euros) 1 Hr

Note: If you would like Healing Stickers sent in the post the cost would be an extra £33.00 GBP/Dollars/Euros.) I can programme these to your needs if required.

Unlock Your Inner Balance and Harmony

Discover the transformative power of a full chakra alignment session, an experience designed to restore balance, harmony, and vitality to your entire being. This session is perfect for anyone seeking to reconnect with their inner self, enhance their overall well-being, and promote a sense of peace and clarity.

What to Expect

During the session that will be conducted distantly, I will guide you through a personalized journey of energy healing, by body scanning you to see where any blockages or issues are. This will be included in your written healing report where issues in regards to your Chakra’s will be reported and a healing guidance pack will be attached. This will help you to navigate your healing journey, even after the session.

I will use a combination of ancient techniques and modern practices and focus on aligning and activating all seven major chakras. This process helps to release blockages, balance energy flow, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Ground yourself and cultivate a deep sense of stability and security.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Enhance your creativity, passion, and emotional well-being.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Boost your confidence, personal power, and self-esteem.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Open your heart to unconditional love, compassion, and emotional healing.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Improve your communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Strengthen your intuition, insight, and mental clarity.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Connect to your higher self and the divine, fostering spiritual enlightenment.


Benefits of Chakra Alignment

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Release negative emotions and stress, fostering a positive mindset.

Increased Energy Levels: Experience a revitalized energy flow, reducing fatigue and lethargy.

Improved Physical Health: Alleviate physical ailments and promote overall body wellness.

Mental Clarity and Focus: Gain clearer thoughts, better decision-making, and heightened intuition.

Spiritual Growth: Deepen your spiritual connection and awareness, leading to a more fulfilling life.

What is Required

Photo of your Face

-Full body Picture

-Full name at birth

-Full name now

-Location (Town/City)

-Date of Birth

-Intentions for Healing (Optional)

-Health issues in the past or present

*Note: If you have a pace maker this session is not recommended.

Book Your Session Today

Embark on a path to holistic healing and transformation with our full chakra alignment session. Reconnect with your inner self and experience the profound benefits of balanced energy. Contact me to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a more harmonious and vibrant life.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

(£111.00 GBP/$131.00 Dollars/121.00 Euros) 2 Hr

Embrace the Journey to Parenthood

Unlock Your Path to Parenthood with the Power of Rose Quartz

This Fertility Enhancement Service is a holistic approach designed to support you on your journey to parenthood. Utilizing the gentle, nurturing energy of rose quartz, I aim to help you overcome any energetic blockages and create a welcoming environment for new life. This service combines a thorough energetic cleansing with the programming of a rose quartz crystal specifically for your fertility needs.

What to Expect from Our Fertility Enhancement Service

Initial Consultation: We begin with a brief consultation to understand your journey, intentions, and any specific concerns or goals you have regarding fertility.

Full Body Energetic Scan and Blockage Removal:

Energetic Scan: Using intuitive techniques, I will perform a comprehensive scan of your energy field to identify any blockages or imbalances that may be affecting your fertility.

Blockage Removal: I will energetically remove these blockages, clearing the path for a harmonious and fertile environment within your body. This cleansing process is aimed at restoring balance and enhancing your body’s natural ability to conceive.

Personalized Report: After the session, you will receive a detailed report via email. This report will include:

Summary of Findings: Insights from the energetic scan, including identified blockages and areas of focus.

Healing Process: An overview of the energetic clearing performed during the session.

Personalized Recommendations: Tips and practices to support your fertility journey and maintain a positive energy flow.

Programmed Rose Quartz Crystal:

Crystal Programming: I will program a rose quartz crystal specifically for you, infusing it with positive intentions and energies to support fertility and emotional well-being.

Delivery: The programmed rose quartz crystal will be sent to you by post, accompanied by detailed instructions on how to use it.

Usage Instructions: Along with your crystal, you will receive a guide on how to integrate it into your daily life. This includes:

Placement Tips: Suggestions on where to place the crystal in your home or keep it on your person to maximize its benefits.

Meditation and Affirmations: Simple meditation practices and affirmations to reinforce the crystal’s energy and support your fertility journey.

Care Instructions: How to cleanse and recharge your rose quartz crystal to maintain its effectiveness.

Benefits of this Fertility Enhancement Service

Enhanced Fertility: The combination of energetic clearing and the supportive energy of rose quartz helps create an optimal environment for conception.

Emotional Healing: Rose quartz is known for its soothing and nurturing properties, helping to reduce stress and emotional blockages that may impact fertility.

Personal Empowerment: This holistic approach empowers you with tools and practices to actively support your fertility journey.

Ongoing Support: The personalized report and usage instructions provide continuous support and guidance even after the initial session.

What is Required

Photo of your Face

-Full body Picture

-Full name at birth

-Full name now

-Location (Town/City)

-Date of Birth

-Intentions for Healing (Optional)

-Health issues in the past or present

-Address to post your healing and fertility crystal

Take the First Step Towards Parenthood

Embark on your fertility journey with confidence and support. Our Fertility Enhancement Service is here to help you clear the path to conception and embrace the possibility of new life.

If you would like to book or require more information you can email me at [email protected]

(£22.22 GBP/ $27.00 Dollars/ 26.00 Euros/ $37.00 Canadian Dollars) A Minimum of 11 A4 Pages 

If you are looking to gain insight into your life purpose, strengths, and challenges, this comprehensive Life Path Number Guide is just what you need!

In numerology, the life purpose number is derived from your date of birth and is believed to reveal your innate strengths, talents, and challenges. Furthermore, this Life Path Number can provide insight into your life’s purpose and help you understand how to fulfill your potential.

With that in mind, I am here to assist you in calculating your life purpose number, interpreting its meaning, and sharing guidance. All that is needed, is your date of birth!

In this guide, you’ll learn all about Life Path Numbers and how they can reveal important information about your character, destiny, and relationships. The guide will start by explaining what a Life Path Number is and how many there are, and then dive into helping you discover your own Life Path Number.

But that’s just the beginning. The guide will go on to explore the meaning of your Life Path Number in-depth, breaking down the qualities, strengths, and traits associated with it. It also covers the challenges you may face on your life journey, and offer guidance on how to overcome them.

This guide also includes a special section on the core areas of the Life Path Number. You’ll learn about the unique qualities and challenges associated with this number.

But that’s not all. It will also delve into the important topic of relationships, including your relationships with others, in love, and compatibility with other Life Path Numbers.

There will also be a section on Birth Signs, so you can gain deeper insights into your astrological influences.

In summary, This Life Path Number Guide is the ultimate tool for gaining self-awareness and understanding. With its comprehensive approach and insights, it’s the perfect guide to help you navigate your life path with confidence and purpose and to start living your best life!

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

(£111.00 GBP/ $140.00 Dollars/ 128.00 Euros) Minimum 10 A4 Pages 

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment with this personalised energetic blueprint curated just for you.
As a spiritual life coach, I specialise in revealing the intricacies of your energetic makeup, delving into the depths of your conscious and subconscious realms.
Through a detailed analysis encompassing your birth name, date of birth, time and place of birth, this reading offers a deep and profound insight into who you are, unveiling your inherent qualities and hidden potentials. Guidance will also be given to help you navigate life in general and towards your life purpose.
This bespoke roadmap illuminates your path, empowering you to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and confidence. It’s a transformative tool for those feeling adrift, seeking direction, and longing for a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.
This reading is deep and insightful, so if you are feeling lost, lacking direction, seeking to understand more about yourself and who you are or just need a boost, then this is the reading for you!
If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

(£70.00/$90 dollars/81.00 euros) 

If you are feeling like everything is going wrong in your life and you feel like there’s a dark presence around you, then this service is for you.

I will find out if these feelings are caused by:

-Outside Influences

-Negative entities/attachments

-Black Magic/Curses


-Karmic Cycles


I will write the findings in a report and then I will cut/release these from your life and offer guidance on how to move forward.

This also includes some sacred geometry stickers that are charged with reiki and light language healing energy. These will be sent in the post to you, to help raise your vibration.

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].

Below are other services provided by my Best Friend, Guide and Life Coach. 

The services that Tulsi offers are:
-Reiki healing with ascended master and oracle cards (75 minutes £70)
-Aura reading from a photograph – taken on a plain white background (£44- results to be emailed within 72 hours of receiving the photo)
-Crystal Feng Shui/ Consultation – Optional* bespoke reiki-infused bracelet. Price to be discussed after consultation (75 minutes £60)About the Sessions

-All sessions/readings are via Zoom with extensive details on the call.
-Should you wish to have the session recorded for personal use, please free to let me know.
– Whilst working with energies and guides, there is an element of preparation. All services are non-refundable once booked.
-Everything that takes place during your session, is confidential.

About Tulsi
Tulsi, Grand Master in Reiki, had her calling from a young age with her psychic abilities, which were harnessed when life took her to the edge!

She recognized her journey, was colorful, to say the least, but it showed her exactly why her wisdom was going to be the pinnacle of healing and guiding others holistically.

She has honed her skills in; reprogramming crystals, and providing crystal consultation, also known as crystal Feng Shui. Her esoteric abilities lead her to read auras and give empowering guidance with oracle readings.

Her drive as a humanitarian is to guide people on their healing journey so that they too can live a life of liberation to have freedom from within.

Tulsi has been a significant person on my healing journey. She has guided me to hone in, on my own gifts/abilities and empowered me in life. I would not be doing what I am doing now if her path had not crossed with mine.

She is a very special soul, who has many abilities that can help others and it is an honor to have her part of the team!

If you would like to book or require more information then you can email me at [email protected].